Socket regeneration – preservation with collagenated biomaterials
Part 1 - Dual-phase bone substitutes: the added value of collagen in vascularization and regeneration
Tooth extraction is always associated with alveolar bone resorption which may compromise the placement of a dental implant. This resorption can be significantly limited when the extraction socket is immediately filled with a bone substitute. Dual-phase bone substitutes are frequently used for post-extraction ridge preservation and for intra bony defect regeneration. This presentation will explain how bone substitutes, which contain native collagen, provide structural and biological support for vascularization and bone regeneration in the extraction socket by enhancing neo-angiogenesis and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell recruitment.
Part 2 - Ridge Preservation in the posterior and anterior zones of the jaws
The Ridge Preservation procedures are known to be effective on the reduction of alveolar bone resorption after a tooth extraction. This can offer clinical advantages in the anterior as well as in the posterior zone.